6 Ways to Achieve and Grow a Healthy Garden in an Apartment

With a pinch of creativity and passion, any space can be turned into a lush and healthy garden. From building a greenhouse to creating a haven for outdoor plants, there’s really nothing one can’t do in tight spaces. All you’ll need is plenty of sunlight, some gardening tools, and the commitment to making things work.

Grow Herbs Indoors

Arguably the easiest way to start your apartment garden adventure is by growing herbs. While some plants can be challenging to grow, there are plenty of easy-to-grow herbs like mint or basil. The trick is to put the pot on a south-facing window. That way, the plants will receive maximum sunlight throughout the day.

Grow Outdoor Flowers Inside

Sick and tired of growing the usual houseplants? In this case, consider outdoor flowers. They stand out with more vivid colors. You can easily grow geraniums or begonias indoors. If you have an outdoor balcony, it’s best to bring those plants outdoors, bringing them inside during the harsh winter. Should you want to enjoy an outdoor garden year-round, you’ll need a very bright window, or you’d have to buy full-spectrum LED light bulbs for supplemental light.

Set Up a Hydroponic Garden

Hydroponic systems allow plants to be grown in circulating water. In case you have more space available, you can set up a hydroponic garden inside your apartment. You can find plenty of kits at your local convenience store containing everything you’ll need for your endeavor. Keep in mind that you’ll most likely need specific lights.

Balcony Container Garden

For individuals who boast a balcony or, better yet, a patio, you can grow different plants outside in containers. Of course, before setting up the garden, check if your lease allows plants to be grown. On the balcony, always remember that strong winds can knock off the containers, so try to set them firmly on the ground. Also, create plenty of space for the water to drain safely.

Build an Indoor Greenhouse

Greenhouses can be as small or as big as the space allows. You can grow cacti and other plants there. Greenhouses maintain higher humidity levels, making them ideal for sprouting seeds before transferring the plants to an outdoor container.

Low-Maintenance Garden Corner

In case you travel a lot, you can set up a low-maintenance garden corner that won’t need regular watering. Ideal plants for this purpose are succulents, cacti, and snake plants. You can always group several species of plants together to make watering easier.