These Tasty Sweet and Sour Couscous-Stuffed Peppers Are Perfect for Any Meal

So many people constantly look for new and exciting recipes for lunch or dinner, not knowing what to make to keep the family happy and not waste too much time doing it. Thankfully, plenty of people share tried recipes on the internet, and people are glad. They can click open an easy recipe, follow it, cook, and supper is served! If you are looking for an easy and delicious recipe, you may want to try this delicious sweet and sour couscous-stuffed peppers recipe. It’s easy to make and will have everyone complimenting you!

Go Out and Get the Ingredients

When people start to prepare a meal, they usually dread it because many recipes call for many ingredients. However, this sweet and sour couscous-stuffed peppers recipe is much simpler than you may think, and it will be a delicious treat for all taste buds. Get your bell peppers, some ground beef, couscous, olive oil, celery, carrots, shallots, parsley, and salt. Check out the entire recipe online for the complete list, but if you have these ingredients – you’ve pretty much covered it, and you can start cooking!

How to Make the Peppers

Making this meal shouldn’t worry anyone either, as it’s almost as simple as the ingredients. For structured directions, you will find the recipe online, and you can follow every step diligently. But you’re going to need to use your oven, baking dish, food processor, and a knife to chop up some of the ingredients. It’s fairly simple, and the prep time doesn’t take too long. It’s worth it, as you’ll have a delicious meal to serve afterward.

Tasty Sweet and Sour Couscous-Stuffed Peppers Are Perfect for Any MealServe Them With Love

After you’ve baked the bell peppers until tender and sprinkled them with some asiago cheese, let them cool down a little, drizzle some tomato cooking liquid on top, and they’re ready to serve! If you feel wild, you can sprinkle on some chopped-up parsley for color.