Quinoa has long been considered a superfood because of all the benefits we can reap from it. It’s a great source of magnesium, manganese, folate, vitamin B1, and phosphorus. And it’s a fiber-rich base for several meals, such as grain bowls, stews, soups, and salads. It’s a preferred substance for countless people, and there are infinite recipes online on how to enjoy it. Luckily, there is a way to ensure you’ll always get the fluffiest and lightest grain for your meals!

Correct Ratio of Quinoa to Water
There is such a thing as the perfect or ideal ratio when cooking the superfood to ensure it’s light and fluffy every time and perfect to add to any meal. That ratio is two cups of water per one cup of the superfood. That’s the way to ensure you won’t have any excess water to strain at the end. If you want a bit of flavor, you can always cook it in vegetable broth or chicken stock – make sure to lay off the extra added salt in this case.

Cooking Time
It doesn’t take too long to cook quinoa, no matter the method. Just keep the ratios in mind with each serving. In a pot, it shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes, while in a rice cooker anywhere between 15-25 minutes. In an instant pot, you want to reduce the water to one and a half per every cup of the superfood and cook it as you would rice. Use a fork to toss it around – it keeps it fluffy and will not crush the grains as a spoon would.
Does it Need a Good Soak?
There’s no need to soak quinoa beforehand. However, it is said to remove phytic acid, which might make it more easily digestible to some. Saponin, a naturally occurring chemical that coats the superfood, can cause a bit of a bitter taste which can be removed with a quick rinse under cold water.

Storing the Superfood
You can easily use an airtight container and store the superfood in a dark, cool cabinet. That way, the moisture will not get to it, and spoilage won’t happen. You can keep it that way for up to a year. If cooked, however, consume it within three to five days after keeping it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Quinoa is gluten-free and can be enjoyed in many different meals. Know how to cook it just right, and you’ll always have a light and fluffy superfood to enjoy!