DIY projects are always fun, especially when they make your life easier. Today, we’ll share a few ways to use PVC to keep your garage well- organized. PVC stands for Polyvinyl Chloride and is super durable and strong.
If you own a garden, you can easily organize your tools by creating a little storage area to hang everything. This way, your garage won’t be a mess, and no one will trip over anymore! PVC can hold even your heaviest tools and free up more space in your garage.
Overhead Rotage and Cubbyholes
You can easily use PVC to hang tools from the ceiling without worrying that they might fall over. You can store anything from your replacement wheels to even your bike. You will save tons of space and always know where your equipment is—above you!

Meanwhile, PVC pegboard cubbyholes are super durable, and you can place all types of items there. The best part is that now you’ll be able to store longer items and keep them neat and organized. It looks unique, and you can hang things from the pipes.
PVC Knife Holders Are Child-Friendly
With PVC holders, you can store knives, spoons, straws, and more. It’s a great storage hack that saves space and is especially useful for keeping dangerous items away from children.

These holders can be made from a piece of PVC pipe with slits in it. You can place them anywhere from your door to your cupboards, but you may want to give them a quick paint job to beautify them!
Finally, a Functional Tape Holder!
It’s annoying to find out you’ve lost your scotch tape when you need it the most. The good news is that you can use PVC to create a little tape holder. It will keep your tape in place and will grip it while you use it.
In short, your creative imagination is the only thing holding you back from using PVC to make some reliable, sturdy storage units of all shapes and sizes in your home. Try some today!