Your lawn has been a favorite place for the entire family, but once winter hits, it’s time to take care of it.
The colder months are fast approaching, and you can’t leave it be, otherwise, you might not find the same pretty yard you had when the snow thaws and temperatures start rising again. Here are some must-dos to prepare for winter.
Mow the Lawn One Last Time
Mowing the grass in summer is essential, and everyone knows it. But don’t pass over the chore during the fall. It’s important to keep the grass short.

Once the snow hits—if you’ve kept it long and untamed—your lawn will become matted underneath and be more susceptible to diseases like snow mold. If your grass happens to catch a disease or matte too much, you won’t enjoy the sight once the snow lifts and sunnier days roll around.
Protect the Trees From the Temperatures
Trees do great during the warmer months, but once the colder temperatures start coming in, they need some extra protection.

Temperature fluctuations can be very damaging, so make especially sure to wrap up those with thinner or weaker trunks if the winter is colder than usual—protect them so they don’t dry away and have to be removed later on; nobody wants to lose an innocent tree.
Protect the Plants From Animals
Plants make your lawn even more beautiful. That means they need protection during the winter months, just like everything else in your yard.

Animals like deer and rabbits tend to come closer to the plants when they can’t find other food, so adding a small fence or protective barrier around your plants will keep them safe!
Protect the Plants From Humans Too
Animals are not the only problem you should look out for during the winter months. If you live where snow is inevitable – keep a lookout! Humans, including yourself, can easily damage various plants around the lawn when they have to blow away the snow. That’s why it’s a good idea to mark off the boundaries where your driveway and walkways begin and where the plants are so everyone can keep that in mind!

There is so much more you have to keep in mind when preparing your lawn for the winter. You should fertilize, aerate, and protect your evergreens along with every other tree and plant, and keep the grass short and sweet so it doesn’t mat under the winter snow.
If you want to enjoy a beautiful yard once again when the spring and summer months come around, do what’s necessary to keep everything fresh, healthy, and maintained during winter!