Are Space Heaters Safe? Everything There Is to Know About Them

Portable space heaters promise to add just the right amount of supplemental needs whenever and wherever you need them. Still, many wonder whether they are dangerous or not. The truth is that unless yours is over a decade old or incorrectly used, you have nothing to worry about. But what does correct use mean? Find out below.

What’s There to Know About Space Heaters?

Are Space Heaters Safe? Everything There Is to Know About Them

Before turning on your space heater, it’s essential to find out more about how they work. While they’re generally easy to use, there are some universal rules you should follow that’ll help you keep your unit in optimal condition and make use of its maximum efficiency. So, find out what you need to know about space heaters below.

Read the Instructions

Prior to using your space heater for the first time, check out what the label says. There should be a list of instructions and warning labels on the unit itself or in a book that comes with it. Ensure you’re familiar with the exploitation method in order to maximize its lifespan.

Don’t Use it as a Primary Source of Heat

Space heaters aren’t meant to be used as primary heat sources, so you shouldn’t use them as a long-term heating solution. They’re not meant to be used to dry clothes, warm linens, or cook food, either. To keep your energy consumption levels low and your home safe, use a space heater as a supplemental source of heat for your rooms.

Double-Check Smoke Alarms

Well, that doesn’t apply to space heaters exclusively, but still. You should keep smoke detectors in top shape because they’re crucial in keeping your home safe. So, contact a local expert or check your smoke detectors before plugging in any portable sources of heat, as they’re potential sources of fires. Most smoke alarms work for about ten years.

And Don’t Forget the Cord

Another thing that has to be inspected on a regular basis is the cord. If the plug or cord is missing or broken, it’s best to stop using the unit altogether. If you have to replace or repair the cord, dump the heater right away, as it can cause fires.

Don’t Leave Space Heaters On

When you leave a room, it’s crucial that you turn off all sources of heat, including space heaters. For higher protection, try not to leave the unit working when going to bed, too. And if you have kids at home, always watch them closely while the heater is working.

Put Them in the Corner and Out of the Way

If you want to ensure everyone at home is safe while the heater is working, put it in a corner where there’s no chance of someone tripping on the cord. And don’t forget to keep all flammable materials away from the heater.

When Are Space Heaters Dangerous?

If used incorrectly, space heaters can turn out not just dangerous but also deadly. In the US alone, they account for about 1,700 fires. So, it’s crucial to follow the instructions in order to keep any fires at bay.

Don’t forget that heaters should be replaced every few years because new models tend to have lower energy consumption levels. Also, replace units as soon as you notice signs of wear and tear.