Investing in a mulching lawn mower is one of the best things you can do for your yard. The machine is great for cutting grass and turning the clippings into a natural fertilizer. This way, the tiny pieces will decompose quickly and provide nutrients for the lawn. Check out some more details below.
Types of Rotary and Reel Lawnmowers
The two main types of lawnmowers are rotary and reel. Reel mowers are mostly used by professionals, and are particularly useful for manicured lawns. Rotary mowers, on the other hand, are more common and can be used by people with little to no experience.

Within these categories, you also have a choice of riding, push, and self-propelled models. Mulching mowers are available in electric or gas models, and you must carefully consider the power source. If you choose an electric one, choose a 40-volt or larger battery. As for gas, you want to look for a mower with a 140 cubic centimeter engine.
Just an Inch
To achieve a beautiful yard, you need to know how to use a mulching mower correctly and make the most out of it. Firstly, make sure to cut only 1-2 inches off the grass. The mulching mower cannot handle overly tall grass, so taking a small amount of grass off an already shorter lawn will yield the best results.
Sharpening the blades is extremely important for a properly cut yard. Do this every season or at the very least, once a year.
Final Tips
Before using a mulching mower, you should only use it on completely dry grass. If it’s been raining, be patient. Otherwise, the machine won’t chop the clippings properly, and you’ll only waste time.
Last but not least, if you have composted clippings before and are now recycling them into the lawn, the fertilizer’s needs might change. Consider what your turf needs before proceeding with a new fertilizer product.