Could This Get Any Larger!
Extras are everyone’s favorite! Be it an extra-large pizza, a drink, or anything else — the more, the merrier. But, this cup of cold brew coffee exceeds all limits.

A girl from fifth grade actually ordered this iced coffee with anything and everything that she could think of. Unfortunately, the OP got stuck with the job of making this sugar-filled treat, even though he only had five minutes left in his shift.
No Space for Waste!
Do you ever wonder where the holes of donuts go, or what happens to the rest of the donuts when you only buy the donut hole treats? Most probably, the excess gets wasted, but not in this case!

This person ordered a dozen donut holes from this bakery, and was thrilled when they realized that they got a bonus of 12 donuts! That’s kind of similar to asking for a TV remote and then getting the whole TV! Not a bad day for this dude.
A Saucy Stock!
Ever wondered how many extra hot sauce packets you can get from a restaurant? No? Why not try out your luck like this enthusiastic individual? This person went to Taco Bell and literally asked for three of all of their hot sauces, and man!

They delivered! Either Taco Bell was overflowing with hot sauce or the employees were just feeling extra generous that day. Either way, if you want to get counting on those packets of hot sauces, then why not just ask for them?!
Go Green
Eating greens should always be a top priority as they’re the ultimate source of profuse vitamins, minerals, fiber, and whatnot. So, when someone orders something green, why not make their lives greener! Now, that’s another level of customer service altogether.

This individual went to a restaurant and asked for extra veggies on his whitefish salad bagel sandwich. The restaurant gave him what he wanted. They turned this sandwich into a beautiful farm of produce and vegetables!
When you order fried rice with extra eggs, what do you expect? Fried rice with a side of eggs, or eggs with a side of fried rice? Well, if you’re into eggs, then this hilarious one is sure to increase your appetite. This person ordered some extra eggs and, as you can see, this fried rice came completely dressed up in scrambled.

That’s literally a whole dozen eggs! Next time, when you want to taste an omelet, why not order a bowl of fried rice with extra eggs? Surely, that will be an eggcellent experience.
Extra Crunchy
Pancakes are usually light, fluffy, and delicious with crisp edges. But, what if someone only wants the crisp? This employee made this edges-only pancake for an unruly customer. The customer surely got what he wanted.

Let’s be honest for a few seconds — most restaurants face such complaining customers who always want things to be crispier than their suntanned skin. This suits them best. The next time you have an order like this, take a page from the OP’s book. Who knows? The customer may end up liking it!
Who Doesn’t Like Some Fried Goodness?
Munching on fried food is straight-up heavenly, but have you ever tried fried pickles? Perhaps you have, although this is the first we’re hearing of it. Anyway, this OP ordered dinner from a restaurant that was only serving fried pickles as a side, because they were about to close for the night.

It definitely sounds like an interesting snack — sour and savory — but we think we’d be over it after the fifth one. So, our question is, did this OP even finish all 100?
High on Lime
It can’t be denied that some people are rather obsessed with lime. There are even those that like to eat and suck on the extra limes that come with their coke or cocktail. This time, this bartender took his customer’s request to the next level; he truly outdid himself.

You heard the lady! She says she wants “like a tonnnnnn of limes!” We think it’s safe to say that this bartender delivered, and we’re sure he gave his customer a good laugh after she realized just how literally he had taken her request.
Go Big or Go Home!
Bored with the regular-sized French fries? Then, why not take some inspiration from this post? This person brought this packet of frozen fries, which you can see have been enlarged in the picture in order to show the texture.

It turns out that by enlarging the picture, the fries themselves were enlarged too! We’re only kidding, but we do have to admit that this company deserves respect and kudos for delivering on its promises! The fries are just as big in real life as they are in the picture, which is rare!
An Extra of Everything
Chipotle does have quite a lot of toppings and options. Still, has it ever occurred to you what would happen if you ordered extra of everything? That’s what this brave woman did. She went to Chipotle and ordered extra everything, and ended up with this massive monster.

The monster-sized burrito is as big as this gal’s forearm! Can we just take a couple of minutes to appreciate the workmanship — despite this burrito’s size, the employee still managed to wrap it up to perfection!
Why Be So Shy on the Bacon?
When people think of salads, they normally imagine all types of fresh vegetables. Have you ever had the question arise in your mind — can a salad ever be unhealthy? This individual asked for a salad without tomatoes.

The waiter asked, “Is bacon okay?” The person jokingly replied, “All the bacon!” This entire conversation resulted in a plate of bacon bits. It’s questionable as to whether or not this dish can actually be called a salad, but if you’re a bacon person, then you are surely in for a treat!
The Carbohydrate Platter
Restaurants serve all types of dishes, with all different kids of components. Most times, each dish features some sort of carb, protein, and healthy side.

This OP opted for more potatoes, rather than a side of fruit. The server took this request to the max — and then some. This dude was served more potatoes than his tummy can probably fit. At least, though, his preferences were taken into consideration.
It’s All About the Sauce Bath
Fries can come with all sorts of delicious toppings — cheese, bacon bits, gravy, and more. But, how much is enough? This person literally got the answer to this curious question when he was served a box full of gravy with a side of fries.

We hate to say it but this dish looks far from appetizing, and it can’t be so healthy either. Let’s just hope the OP ate the potatoes before they got too soggy!
Chocolatey Heaven
Waffle House is one of the best breakfast places when you’re looking for something to satisfy that morning sweet tooth of yours! We mean, who doesn’t like waffles?! Plus, when your server takes your order and runs with it, then there’s really no better place to be.

This person went to his closest Waffle House to order the most chocolately waffle he could imagine — and voilà! Waffle House did not disappoint!
A Promise Well Kept
Some people love their marzipan more than their own lives. If you’re putting it on a cake, marzipan lovers want that layer to be as thick as possible. This couple didn’t disappoint the marzipan lovers of the world. This OP made their annual Christmas cake — but this time with a thick layer of marzipan for her partner because she promised it.

That’s true love, folks. A thick layer of marzipan never really hurt anyone. If you’re someone who’s into this thick layer of goodness, then why not ask your partner for this kind of treat for Christmas?!
This Beast Is Cheesier
As the time of humanity’s existence on Earth slowly increases, so does the sizes of burgers. People want more meat between those soft, fluffy burns. Oftentimes, there’s a demand for extra cheese.

Take our OP, for instance, who asked for extra cheese. Now, look how cheesy this Cali burger came out! Some might find this to be way too greasy while others dream of being able to eat this every day!
Your Wish, Their Feta
All the smart people know that Greek salad is nothing without feta cheese. Cheese makes everything better, and this is no exception. This OP asked for some extra feta on his salad. He actually ordered, “A little extra.”

Does this seem like a little to you? It doesn’t to us, although it does scream deliciousness! If you’re a noob at eating salads, then add some extra feta, and you shall have your bliss. This restaurant surely had a big stock of feta to serve the OP this much!
Who’s Up for a Swim?
Have you ever tried hashbrowns with sausage gravy? If not, then this is the time! Try it. According to this individual, the local family-diner in town served him this mouth-watering dish — hashbrowns with extra sausage gravy for dipping.

This person just wished for something, and the sweet family delivered out of the goodness of their hearts. That’s why folks should support their local businesses!
Order Taken Literally
There are moments in your life when you order something and do not get what you really wanted, but you can’t really complain as the food was delivered exactly as you asked. This is one of those moments.

The customer asked for cheese on the side. This chef delivered it with the utmost accuracy. A slice of cheese on the side of the burger! What you want is what you get. There’s no complaining!
Does it Get Any Hotter?
When the chef comes out of the kitchen to cheer you up as you cry whilst eating your burrito, there’s no doubt that there’s something wrong with it. This brave soul ordered his burrito in the hopes that the level of spice would knock his socks off!

The chef literally outdid himself by using this 357 Hot Sauce. There are no words to describe just how hot this sauce is and so, it’s no wonder why the OP shed a few tears.
A Bacon Lover’s Dream Come True
A bacon burger usually features a few pieces of bacon atop a beef burger in between two buns. But, what if you were served a burger with bacon and no buns? That would be one heck of a crunchy treat, for sure! This person ordered a bacon burger.

The chef cooked up all the bacon and placed it on the patty. That’s a treat even Satan would surrender to. The chef knows what he’s doing. A bacon burger surely should have this much bacon! The customer left happily satisfied!
Take the Whole Thing
Imagine you get an entire bottle of ketchup from a restaurant instead of just two to three small packets. Most restaurants are not even generous enough to include napkins in the order. However, this customer surely got a win-win deal when he asked for “a side of ketchup.”

This came out as an absolutely amusing joke when the person was given a whole, unopened bottle of ketchup. Restaurants should start getting generous with the portions of their meals and sauces.
Santa Fulfills the Sweet Tooth Cravings
Christmas is full of hope, promises, and wishes. This person’s daughter asked for an enormous giant cherry Pop-Tart from Santa Claus. Santa Claus surely heard her prayers as her parents made her this giant tart, which looks as if it’s been freshly delivered from the North Pole.

When you have such sweet parents around to fulfill your wishes, who needs Santa? If Santa doesn’t come in through the chimney, there’s nothing to worry about. You got Santa’s elves right at home!
Nutty Latte
Lattes are such a great treat for all people with a sweet tooth, but this person ordered something that we’d probably only feed to the people that bullied us in high school. This guy ordered a latte with nuts, which is pretty standard — and cucumber?! Uh, what?

Although the person sounded sure in what they wanted, this barista was utterly shocked upon receiving the request. Then again, the customer is always right… even if their taste preferences are wrong!
Sneaky Treats
Bakeries are sometimes so generous that they put some extra donut holes in your box. This type of unexpected treat — and kind gesture — is what keeps humanity alive, and hope in the world. keeping humanity alive. This person went to the baker and politely asked for an extra one.

Rather than taking the customer’s request at face value, the Dunkin’ Donuts employee went the extra mile and stuffed the box with tons of Munchkins! We’re sure this made the OP’s day!
A Little Cheese Doesn’t Hurt No One
If you’re one of those die-hard cheese lovers, then there’s nothing more delightful than the term “extra cheese” — and so, this great ravioli dish is most likely going to make your eyes pop and mouth salivate.

This guy asked for some extra cheese on his ravioli and that’s exactly what he got. It was loaded with an astounding amount of cheese. Normally, this much cheese isn’t given, but we guess the waiter was feeling particularly generous.
Pies for the Little Tummies
Humans love it when they’re given something for free and in large amounts. Can you think of the last time that you were provided something extra? In case you can’t, you can just live vicariously through this OP’s experience.

This person ordered pies for his 10-year-old. As it was right before closing, this McDonald’s branch delivered 14 pies rather than the two that was requested. Not only is this a great way to save food from being wasted, but it also made this OP and their 10-year-old extremely happy.
With a Cherry on Top?
Maracino cherries are these small pockets of sweetness that burst into your mouth. While some people can’t stand them, others can’t get enough! This person was surely surprised when he ordered a cherry coke and instead received a glass of coke topped with tons of cherries!

Then again, while cherry coke is a thing that exists, it’s not very a common choice. And so, the bartender made do with what he had.
One Big Donut
Children are really clever — much more than we think. They always have all these weird ideas in their minds. If they want something, they get it. This kid’s cleverness is surely to bring a smile to his mother’s face.

He was told that he could only order one donut. He followed the rules and ordered only one donut but with a little twist. He chose the biggest one he could find! Of course, because the move was so well-played, this little dude’s mama couldn’t be too mad.
Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair!
It’s not just kids that have an imagination; adults, too, have imaginations that can run wild! This mama bear here actually proved herself to be a Fairy Godmother of sorts by making this enchanting Rapunzel cake for her daughter’s birthday.

We all know that Rapunzel was hidden away in a tower. This cake actually does justice to the plot of the story. If you have a daughter of your own, use this post as inspiration for your own ideas!
Extra Cheese or Extra Crust?
Have you ever mistakenly ordered something and ended up getting exactly what you asked for? While that’s usually a good thing, sometimes it can be totally tragic, like in this case. This person was not in his right mind while ordering extra crust on his pizza, instead of extra cheese.

You would expect the restaurant to realize the mistake! However, this pizza joint actually delivered this guy a pizza with a really big crust. He got what he ordered, not what he wanted. This result looks absolutely hilarious, to be honest. Poor soul! Then again, if you’re a crust person, this might just be the perfect pie for you.
Drawing Turned Into Food
Children like to draw all sorts of images, including foods. This kid drew a donut that he claimed to be the very best. Moreover, he even wrote a small description of all the things that he wanted on his donut. Guess what?

The local donut shop actually turned his drawing into reality. From the blue frosting to the little chunks of Oreos and M&M’s — they kept all of that in mind and made this kid’s drawing come to life. Bravo to the bakers for the amazing work!
Spice it Up!
Did you ever think that a restaurant would take revenge upon you? If not, then hear this out. They might! This person said that the Pad Thai he had previously ordered from this place wasn’t spicy enough and so, he wanted it spicier this time around.

In response to that, the staff at the restaurant did what they could to make this request happen. Judging from the amount of times they logged ‘spicy’ into the system, though, we can only hope the OP in question didn’t regret his order too much.
Who Wants Whole Chicken Pizza?
Choosing between a chicken and pizza is a tough decision to make. While this lady was in Israel, she ordered a pizza pie with chicken as a topping — or should we say a pizza topped with a whole chicken?

To some people, this might seem to be a crime worth being executed for. Ordering both is surely hilarious, but if you’re into having both of them at the same time and not missing out on any of them, then this dish is absolutely for you.
Shape Doesn’t Matter
At this point, it’s probably clear to most of you that size doesn’t matter. On the other hand, if you’re not picky about the shape of your food, then why not try out a few new cuts of sandwiches today?

This person had his sandwich cut into these weird shapes, unlike the regular triangular or half-and-half shapes in which sandwiches are usually cut. As this isn’t illegal, there should be no limits in what shape you cut your food in. As long as it tastes good, every shape will do!
Side Onion Dish
Usually, when you ask for something that’s a little extra in a restaurant, you don’t really expect that they would give you an entire dish of what you asked for. Surprisingly, this is exactly what happened here.

They just asked for a little extra onion on the side and the restaurant decided to just give them a whole plate of onions! We definitely wouldn’t say no to that.
A Dozen Tacos, Twice
When ordering food at a fast-food restaurant, there’s always a chance you’ll be misheard or misunderstood because there’s so much going on. In this case, however, the customer can’t really complain about the staff not giving them what they wanted.

The only thing is that they gave them way too many! This customer asked for 12 tacos at Jack in the Box at 2 AM. Instead, they got 24 just because someone mistakenly placed the order twice.
Fire Sauce
Taco Bell is known for its special condiment called Fire Sauce. While we really don’t understand what all the fuss is about — since, to us, it tastes just like any other spicy sauce — some people seem to really crave it.

This customer asked for as much fire sauce as possible without causing the Taco Bell employee to lose their job, and they got no less than 243 packets! We have absolutely no idea what they’re going to do with them.
Extra Large Tomato
We’ve always wondered where these fast-food restaurant chains get those weird vegetables from. This is obviously a very unusual tomato. We wonder if they actually got it from Chernobyl or somewhere close.

The poor guy just asked for a couple of extra slices of tomato and instead, they just shoved this monstrous slice of tomato into his burger. We wouldn’t have dared to eat it. After all, it could be radioactive, considering its extreme size and dubious origins.
A Sandwiched Bagel
It seems that, sometimes, you really don’t have a choice but to be very specific about what you order. This customer asked for a breakfast sandwich in a bagel. Well, technically, that’s what he got.

What he actually wanted to do is to replace the English muffin with a bagel. But, when the people who work at fast-food restaurants have so many orders to handle, we guess they just don’t have the time to stop and actually think about people’s requests.
Miniscule Pizza
Oftentimes, it’s hardly the customer’s fault for not getting what they ordered. Usually, it’s the restaurant employee who messes up. In this case, however, the customer is to be blamed.

This customer originally wanted to order a 12-inch pizza, but then quickly changed their mind and wanted a 10-inch pizza instead. It seems that, while typing the order, they forgot to put a zero and this is what they got. This could perhaps be the smallest pizza in the world.
Avocado on the Side
Avocado could easily be humanity’s most favorite fruit. At least, it’s our most favorite fruit. So, we had a hard time understanding what’s there to complain about in this picture.

So, this customer asked for some extra avocado on the side and she got exactly that. Well, maybe, just a little too much avocado. We were surprised at how generous this restaurant was, given the fact that avocados are quite expensive.
Three Pieces
There’s nothing more annoying than someone doing a lousy job on purpose. This is even more annoying when they had only one job to do and it’s to properly cut a sandwich. The lady who served them this sandwich only had to cut it into three even pieces.

While they could have been more specific and actually used the word even, we would still expect the employee to understand what cutting it into three pieces means.
Child-Size Portion
Almost any restaurant or food service offers small dishes for children. These dishes are also designed to appeal to a child’s palate. Looks like someone took a “child-size” portion of candy cotton quite literally.

The result is a gigantic ball of candy cotton. This isn’t something that an adult would manage to consume by themselves. But, one thing is for certain — this young client is quite happy with what she got.
Mayo Spill
Looks like someone had a rough day at work and decided to take it out on the customer who just asked for a some extra mayo. Well, they got tons extra mayo on that burger. It looks like the employee used all of McDonald’s yearly supply of mayonnaise.

Even for a burger of this size, this is definitely an inordinate amount of mayonnaise. We seriously hope that the employee who did this was reprimanded.
Buried Under Pepperoni
This is what happens when a customer orders an ungodly amount of pepperoni. What looks like a mound of pepperoni is actually just the pizza topping. We wonder why they even bothered to buy a pizza in the first place.

They could have just ordered sliced pepperoni. Also, how do you even start eating a pizza like this? Do you first remove some of the pepperoni to uncover the slice you covet and then put it back on? This is very confusing.
Extra Lox Spread
We were never great fans of lox spread. Why ruin a good fish? Salmon should be smoked or grilled, so frankly, we don’t totally understand combining the fish with cream cheese. To each their own, though.

In any case, looks like this customer literally got what they wanted — an extremely thick layer of lox spread. How thick exactly? We estimate thickness levels to be of at least one inch. That’s a lot of spread.
Social Distance
This is a really funny story. This female employee got a call from a customer, asking whether they were keeping social distance at the restaurant. The female employee answered that they were, in fact, abiding by certain pandemic regulations.

We’re not sure these two have the same idea of social distance in mind. But, by the looks of it, it seems like these burgers are safe to eat.
Getting in Trouble
This customer called their favorite Thai food place and asked that they make their dish so spicy that someone could potentially get in trouble for it. The Thai restaurant workers obliged, as you can see in this picture.

We absolutely adore restaurant workers with a sense of humor. This is certainly the way to keep your customers happy and make sure they call to order again from your place. We wonder, though, how spicy this dish really was.
Mac & Cheese Burger
When this customer ordered their second mac ‘n’ cheese burger, they asked the restaurant employees to put as much mac ‘n’ cheese as possible without getting fired. Again, they happily obliged.

This now looks more like mac ‘n’ cheese with a side of burger than a burger with mac ‘n’ cheese. No wonder you need a fork to eat it now. It’s like getting two dishes in one. We hope they survived this meal.
Fried Chickpeas
This customer asked for extra fried chickpeas with their rice bowl, and that’s what they got. You can’t see the rice for all the chickpeas. It’s as if they got the same amount of rice, but with chickpeas.

Looks like someone will have to dig through a lot of chickpeas until they get to their rice. But, one thing is certain — they won’t be hungry after eating this entire bowl of rice and chickpeas.
Cut in Half
Normally, when you ask to cut a burger in half at a restaurant, they’d understand what you mean. This usually means that the burger is meant to be cut vertically in the middle, but under no circumstances should it be cut horizontally.

Looks like someone wasn’t really aware of what they were doing, since this is just an insult to a good piece of burger and to the client who ordered it.
A Shot of Espresso
People can be very particular about how they take their coffee. However, there’s a difference between being particular about your coffee and someone taking your request way too literally.

The latter seems to be the case here. This customer asked for an espresso over ice and, technically, that’s what they got. The only problem is that this isn’t how you’re supposed to be served this drink. We hope they only paid half price, because the employee didn’t actually finish preparing the drink. Then again, it obviously gave the OP a good laugh so perhaps it was worth it?
Too Many Eggs
Whenever you order something at a restaurant abroad, there’s a chance that you will be misunderstood or simply served the wrong thing.

This customer just asked for one extra egg in Japan. He got way more than one egg. His ramen soup was served with a layer of eggs. It honestly makes you wonder if there’s any soup left beneath all that.
Legal Ranch Sauce
When ordering pizza, this customer left a note asking for as much ranch sauce as legally possible. Well, we’re not aware of any official state or federal laws that actually deal with the amounts of sauce you’re legally allowed to request when ordering a pizza, but they definitely got what they wished for.

We wonder, though, what are they going to do with all this sauce? Drown all their pizzas in it?
Mushroom Infestation
We really don’t get people who ask for mushrooms on their pizza, but we don’t judge. You know what they say — different strokes are for different folks. In any case, this OP just asked for some extra mushroom on their pizza and it seems like the cooks emptied a dozen mushroom cans to prepare this pizza.

This looks more like a disaster than a pizza. In all honesty, we’d be totally mushroomed out at this point if our pizza turned out like this!
One Pepperoni Pizza
Language can sometimes be an inadequate tool to convey your thoughts. There seems to be a difference between one pepperoni pizza and a pizza with one piece of pepperoni on top. This is what happened to this customer.

What they actually meant is that they want a pizza with pepperoni topping, but they got a pizza with a single slice of pepperoni. We really don’t see how hard it is to understand what a pepperoni pizza is.
Sundae With Peanuts
This guy ordered a hot fudge sundae and asked for as many peanuts as they can give him. They happily obliged, and gave him an additional paper cup full of peanuts. By the looks of it, it seems like he now has more peanuts than sundae.

We don’t know what could happen to this man’s taste buds when he’s done eating that many peanuts, but we definitely don’t recommend you doing it at home.
Double Espresso
It seems that someone tried really hard to fail at their job, and actually succeeded. Even a novice barista is expected to know what double espresso means. It means that you simply put in twice the amount of coffee you use to prepare one espresso.

Judging by what happened here, they literally prepared a double espresso — two cups of the same thing. So, technically speaking, they literally did what they were asked for, but got it wrong nonetheless.
Extra Sauce on the Side
This is the perfect example of how to make sure to get the restaurant chain you work for publicly shamed for bad service. The OP only asked for extra sauce on their burger, and instead, they got a separate box filled with their sauce.

This is not how you’re supposed to do it. Why is it so hard to grasp this customer’s order? The only thing they had to do is to put a little more sauce on their burger.
Cream Smear Taco
Looks like someone at Taco Bell took this lady’s order a little too literally. This is extreme, even for us. When you ask for sour cream on the side, this isn’t what you expect to get.

You’d expect them to put the sour cream in a condiment dish, as every other normal restaurant would do. But, it seems that the person who prepared this taco had a different understanding of what it means to put sour cream on the side.
Nothing for Dessert
Chances are, this is the first time in history that someone asked for nothing and literally got what they wanted. We wonder how the universe didn’t just collapse into itself. We bet this was a well-planned joke because this is just unbelievable.

There’s a good chance that this was the chef’s way of showing what they think about customers who don’t order dessert. You still get something even though you asked for nothing.
This customer asked the waiter for an affogato, which is basically a scoop of ice cream topped with coffee. The waiter apparently didn’t know what an affogato was and so, this is what they delivered to the shocked customer.

This looks like a scoop of ice cream over a slice of avocado in a pool of coffee. Well, we think that they just invented a whole new dish. We’ll call it affocado.
All-Inclusive Burger
This customer asked that the chef put everything in their burger. Usually, this means that they just put all the basic ingredients like tomato, lettuce, pickle, and onion. But, it seems that for some reason, they interrupted their request all too literally.

They decided to include everything but the kitchen sink in that burger. Considering the fact that this was prepared in a restaurant kitchen, this means a lot of miscellaneous food items.
Coffee With Bay Leaves
The adults among you would certainly appreciate the joke. This customer ordered a coffee with a sweet drink that adults like to take with their coffee that sounds like bay leaves.

There’s a good chance that the waiter misheard them or simply chose to take their request quite literally. Well, they got their bay leaves with their coffee. However, we’re not sure they actually drank it in the end.
Double Pepperoni Pizza
What’s the first image that comes to your mind when you think about pepperoni pizza? A pizza with some slices of pepperoni on top. It looks like someone took the whole topping part a little too far with this pizza.

To be more specific, they took the whole double pepperoni part too far, putting literally double the amount of pepperoni that usually goes on pizzas. From what we’ve heard, the customer didn’t complain about it.
Top and Bottom Mayo
You don’t need to be an expert to understand a basic request such as this one. This client only asked to put mayo on the top and on the bottom of their chicken burger.

This means that the only thing that they had to do is to put mayo on both sides of the chicken. Instead, they just carelessly dropped some mayo on top of the burger and called it ready.
Lettuce Burger
This time, the customer literally got what they were hoping for. This isn’t some bad version of a veggie burger, but a stand-alone lettuce burger. It’s actually pretty healthy too.

An average burger contains 53 grams of carbs, so if you replace those buns with lettuce, you save around 200 calories. However, you do have to keep in mind that you’re eating a burger, which still isn’t the healthiest thing in the world.
When ordering on the phone, this can happen. As we’ve mentioned time and time again, it can be quite easy for your order to get mixed up. This customer ordered pizza and cheese sticks. At least, they thought that they were ordering cheese sticks.

It seems like the lady who was taking their order misheard them. Instead of getting cheese sticks, he got cheesecakes. While we can’t really complain about cheesecakes, it’s still kinda annoying.
Ice Cream Sandwich
Technically, this customer ordered something that is not even on the menu. But, McDonald’s played along. Admitting that they were just bored, they went in and ordered an ice cream burger.

This is pretty amazing, since the last thing you’d expect from a fast-food chain is to deviate from its standard menu just to oblige a random customer’s whim. We don’t know how they did it, but they deserve to get a cookie from us.
One Kilogram or One Brussel Sprout?
Getting only one piece of a vegetable instead of a kilogram is a literal joke. This person got only one piece of Brussel sprout instead of a whole kilogram. Looks like he isn’t a big fan of Brussel sprouts.

Like this person, if you’re also not a huge fan of these vegetables, then why not take a little at a time? Purchasing only one piece is indeed hilarious, but who’s to complain! Break down one Brussel sprout and you have your healthy meal.
Diet of a College Kid
When you think of snacks, the things that typically come to mind are chips, drinks, and cakes — but what defeats all of this is Cup Noodles and Arizona iced tea. This individual asked her mother to grab some snacks from the store.

Astoundingly, she returned with a lot of instant noodles and sweet tea. Clearly, this mother is no stranger to college life and all that comes with it, including diet. This surely brings us back to the horrors of dorm life.
Mushroom Morning
Partners always want to surprise and please their soulmates with little things. These little gestures can be as tiny as handing the towel to your partner after they’ve finished showering.

It can also be in the form of food, in which your SO asks you for some extra cheese or potatoes — or, in this case, mushrooms. This girlfriend did the most romantic thing at breakfast. She served her better half with a heavy load of mushrooms when he asked for them.
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Mac ‘n’ cheese is a classic. And obviously, the best part about the dish is the melted cheesy goodness. What if we tell you that it can get even better? This person ordered mac ‘n’ cheese but with extra cheese — specifically the brown bits that form on burnt cheese. Yum!

Although a specific request, this restaurant totally delivered. This cheesy crusty goodness is a must-have for everyone.
A Little Too Extra
Croutons are golden cubes of rebaked bread, which are seasoned to perfection. They are served with salads or soups. A croutons-loving person is surely bound to die for this. Croutons make salads taste really great and is obviously a great add-on.

More can never be enough, to be honest. This person asked for some extra croutons in his salad and he was served exactly what he wanted. A huge load of croutons chilling on his salad! What more could a person ask for?
Ordering food is the most convenient way to fill your tummy with what you desire. Some chefs and restaurants do take your words seriously in order to satisfy your cravings. However, you know some people really take your order into concern when you’re served what you asked for to the tee. Well, with an extra dose of love! Keep on reading to know what hilarious dishes these people were served!