The magical world of Harry Potter has captivated millions of fans worldwide, but for one homeowner, living in the house that served as Four Privet Drive has become a challenge. Located in Bracknell, Berkshire, the real-life residence that portrayed the home of the Dursleys in Harry Potter has become a pilgrimage site for devoted Potterheads.
The Harry Potter House Is Famous

The homeowner, who prefers to remain anonymous, is less than thrilled with the constant influx of Harry Potter fans. In an interview, the homeowner expressed their astonishment at the level of fanfare. They recounted instances of people arriving dressed in full wizarding regalia, even breaking the boundaries by attempting to climb the fence. Despite the inconvenience, the homeowner has shown some accommodation, willingly moving their cars to facilitate fans’ photo opportunities. Nevertheless, the incessant presence of Potter enthusiasts has taken a toll, turning their driveway into a gathering spot.
Interestingly, the house was previously put up for sale in 2016 but was withdrawn from the market. Neighboring properties have reportedly commanded very high prices. The homeowner described the surreal experience of waking up to a continuous stream of fans outside their windows. They admitted being perplexed by the enduring popularity of the franchise, even though they acknowledged the impact and significance of Harry Potter.
The House Is a Popular Location

The constant stream of visitors remains a challenge, particularly during school holidays when the number of people knocking on the door escalates. While most visitors are polite and ask for permission before taking photos, some are less considerate. The homeowner expressed sympathy for their neighbors, who also find themselves navigating through crowds to reach their driveways. They recounted encounters with fans from all over the world and acknowledged that some interactions could be awkward, though they have grown accustomed to the situation to some extent.
Interestingly, the iconic cupboard under the stairs, where Harry initially resided in the fictional world, still exists in the real house. The homeowner shared that it remains untouched, serving as a storage space for coats, an ironing board, and a vacuum cleaner. They even contemplated transforming it into a replica of Harry’s living quarters for added authenticity.