Whenever a baby is born into a family, it’s always stressful one way or another, and some cases cause more stress than others. There are rare conditions that require more care than usual and rare situations that are both wonderful and overwhelming. No one knows this better than the couple that has experienced a rare birth of one-in-200 million identical triplets!

The Miracle Triplets
The world is calling it a one-in-200 million chance – and the parents are a bit overwhelmed that the mother has given birth to three identical, adorable babies. But the news of the rare situation is sure to be a strain on their feelings. They have plenty of reasons to celebrate. All three were born nine weeks prematurely and were tiny. The father, James, comments on how surreal it is to be the new parents of such a rare triple miracle.

Surprise and Joy
All three girls – Harper-Gwen, Marvella, and Evalynn, were not expected, to say the least. The two parents, Jenny and James, were expecting twins and found out there was a third girl in the mix when the mom went in for her week 12 appointment. James shares that his jaw dropped when his wife sent him a photo of the scans.
Rare and So Great
James speaks about the emotional train he went on when he heard the news. The couple had always been joking about the possibility of having triplets but never imagined it would happen. He said he cried, smiled, then tried to figure out how everything would be and how they would cope. The girls have their specific chairs because they’re identical, and the parents don’t want to get them mixed up.

The triplets were conceived naturally and opened up a variety of feelings in both parents. But they continue to be a joy as they share and grow!