300 Couples Renewed Their Vows for Their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Some 300 happy couples that were married in 1972 celebrated their golden wedding anniversary together at a Chicago church on a Sunday. They celebrated their incredible milestone of living through 50 years of marriage surrounded by family and friends and renewed their vows at Holy Name Cathedral.

Couples Celebrated Their Golden Wedding Anniversary

300 Couples Renewed Their Vows for Their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Each of the happy couples that celebrated their golden wedding anniversary married in 1972, during the disco age when Pong was popular and the Internet did not yet exist. Cardinal Blase J. Cupich praised the relationships of the people for the longevity of their relationships in his homily.

The Mass Wedding Anniversary Was Very Emotional

Carl Meyer said in an interview that he was very emotional while he reminisced on his five decades of marriage with his wife Joyce and the experiences they shared together. According to him, he brought his parents to the same church when they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Joyce added that he always remembered that and now that he and his wife were there, he found it hard to believe.

While every couple has a different secret to keeping their marriage for 50 years, for Adrienne Micheli, it was the sense of humor that was crucially important. Her husband, Dino Micheli, pointed out that over the years, he learned one thing, that his wife was always right. Cardinal Blase J. Cupich finished his homily by saying that the couples promised to be true to each other, in good and bad times and in sickness and health, and have shown up each and every day to hold themselves to that promise. He finished by stating that that was something worth celebrating.