We’d Freak Out Too
There are some things that you run into at the beach that might freak you out even if you’re expecting them. For instance, what if you have a fish brush against you’re foot after a few hours in the waves?

That might make you jump but we’d be just about hysterical if this happened. After all, it’s one thing for a fish to brush against you when you’re in the water but for one to somehow tangle itself in your hair seems like a particularly terrifying moment.
A Beachside Walk
Even if you’re on vacation, your pets will still need to take a few walks. On the other hand, who could complain about having to walk the dog when the view is so beautiful?

While the ocean can lull you into a sense of serenity, there are still a few things that can snap you out of it. For one, if you have a dog come up and pee on your back — even if that dog is super cute — you probably won’t feel quite so relaxed.
“Some Idiot”
If you get into the ocean with things in your pockets, you can’t be totally shocked when the waves knock things loose. For example, your house key might fall out of your pocket.

This person may have wanted to take a closer look at that key before writing it off as belonging to an “idiot” and chucking it into the waves. It only took hours to realize that he was indeed the idiot who lost their key.
Oh No
Spending time on the beach, splashing in the waves, and building sandcastles in the sun can really make a kid hungry. If this happens, stick to packed snacks or boardwalk food.

Most adults wouldn’t dare to eat food they see on the beach. Yet, kids don’t have a lot of impulse control and might see something they think is food. Unfortunately for this kid, it wasn’t a Cheeto.
Those Darn Seagulls
There are some things that seem to always be agents of chaos at the beach. Seagulls are a rather chaotic part of any beach and they aren’t known for playing by social rules that you might.

For example, if a seagull is hungry and you have food, it might just swoop down to steal a fry or two. What if you get spotted by more than one seagull at a time, though? Well, you might just find yourself in this unfortunate position.
A Little Help Here?
There are quite a few activities that you can do out on the water, even if you’ve never tried it before. That’s why they offer classes!

If you take a class, you have the benefit of an instructor watching out for you and leading you through the steps of how to master an activity. Without that help, this guy may have wandered a little too far by mistake and did the last thing a beginner wants — he drew the attention of many in an embarrassing moment.
A Photo Finish
When you’re having a great day at the beach, you might want a few photos either for posterity or to show off your great trip on social media.

This person just thought they’d get their friend to catch a photo of them relaxing on a hammock. It was only when they tried to strike a pose that they remembered that hammocks aren’t the most stable seats to relax in. The resulting photo is pretty funny, though.
Beachside Weddings
When it comes to beach weddings, there’s a lot that can go wrong due to the setting. After all, it’s a little less controlled than that of an indoor wedding venue.

At this wedding, the camera wasn’t too kind to this person. While we’re sure they looked stunning at the event, the flash really made the contrast a little different when the images were printed. Is there no way to fix this with editing or Photoshop?
Missing in Action
Some schools have a “senior trip” to give the senior class some time to blow off steam after their last year of school and bond with their classmates before they all go their separate ways.

However, if you don’t know the area, you might want to keep a friend around so you don’t get quite this lost. It wasn’t until Adam walked all the way to another beachside hotel that they admitted defeat and called for some help.
A Bonding Moment
The beach is the site of some of our favorite and most memorable movie scenes. Plus, who doesn’t want the chance to feel as powerful and attractive as their favorite movie stars?

However, when you see those scenes, you’re seeing a perfect take out of thousands — helped along by some special effects and lighting. It’s not like a giant wave came and knocked the superspy off his feet! It’s pretty funny to think of this happening to another famous person, like Jimmy Fallon.
Wardrobe Malfunction
We’ve already covered that, when things are going right, you might be so lulled into relaxation while you’re in the sand and the sun that you fall asleep.

Sunbathing might make you fall asleep because you’re already lying in the sun. The only problem was that the wind picked up while this person was asleep. We can’t say that we wouldn’t also feel a growing sense of embarrassment to wake up and realize our clothes were swept away!
Not the Nuns!
A lot of people start to feel a little bit mischievous when they’re on vacation. Mooning someone is all fun and games until you realize that you flashed your behind to the wrong group of people.

A group of older nuns seemed like they were surely just minding their business when this person decided to prank them. Obviously, it didn’t go to plan for anyone.
Being Honest
There are some things that are very relaxing for some on a vacation that others aren’t interested in. When this person was on a trip with their aunt, not everyone was on the same page as her.

We’re sure that this aunt was really happy to include her family with her in her morning meditation on the beach. We’re also rather certain that this was just the final straw for this tired dad, considering he made the comment without skipping a beat.
We’ve All Been There
This is a beach fail that almost any of us reading this could relate to. After all, we’ve all had a thing or two go missing in the ocean while we were hanging out.

When you get ready to go to the beach, you might do a quick check to see what you’re missing. For instance, do you have sunscreen, sunglasses, and a towel? Odds are, you might pick one up before you go. Chances are that not everything you pick up last minute will last through the trip.
Vacation Photos
If you were to have a wonderful day at the beach, you might want something to remember that time. A picture is one of the best ways to collect memories. Of course, we can’t all be professional photographers.

Cameras have gotten easier to use for laymen but it’s not exactly foolproof. After all, you can still lend up with images like this in your camera roll. It might not show the picture you wanted but it’s definitely entertaining.
Retaliating Against Them
We’ve already covered it but it’s worth mentioning again just about how much a seagull can become your enemy if you’re trying to innocently enjoy a snack on the beach.

For most of us, this means a lost snack and a bit of a scare. However, not everyone’s reaction is to let go of their food. This OP was ready to do what they had to and it sounds like they won.
Taking a Rest
As we’ve said — the sun, sand, and general beachside fun can really take it out of you. If you’re a kid, you already have some pretty limited energy reserves.

When this kid needed a nap, this parent didn’t see any reason that she couldn’t sleep in the sun like the other beachgoers. Of course, she doesn’t exactly look posed like your average suntanner. It wasn’t until a concerned party came up that this parent realized.
Absolutely Horrific
If you’ve been in the ocean, you know that the power of the waves that splash against you can be more powerful than you might expect, knocking you straight off of your feet.

If you caught one of those waves right in the mouth like this person, you might throw up too. As if that wasn’t unfortunate enough, a woman innocently swimming nearby in a bikini was about to have her day ruined as well.
Not Getting There Today
Going to the beach can be exciting. Plus, you might want an understanding of how far you are from locales that you can reach across the water.

For example, if you’re in Florida on the southern shore, you aren’t really all that far away from Cuba, relatively speaking. Then again, the key phrase here is “when you’re in Florida.” If you’re trying to reach Cuba from Chicago, you might have a much more difficult time.
Sorry Ma’am!
After you get married, you still want to make sure you express your love to your spouse on a regular basis. It makes sense — it’s crucial to make sure you keep the romance alive.

Of course, after you’ve been together a while, you might have some hilariously specific pet names. So, that might make it even more awkward if you were to do something like this. Still, don’t we all just want to find our metaphorical “gorgeous stack of pancakes?”
Looks Just Like It
You see a lot of creatures in the sea. If you go diving, you might see a bed of coral or you might have a fish swim past even while you’re just dipping your toes.

Of course, there’s also a lot of stuff in the ocean, like trash and things people have lost. So, if you see a sea creature that looks like your handbag, you might want to double-check that your handbag is still waiting for you on the shore.
This Is Horrible
Some beach fails are easy to laugh off and go about your day. Seeing something like this might just make it hard for you to ever look at a beach day the same way again.

Even just getting pooped on by a seagull is pretty gross. We can’t imagine following that up like this. We have to wonder — who was the first person to break out of the horror to tell the OP’s dad? What was his reaction when he realized what the “sunscreen” really was?
She Needs Help!
The waves at the beach can really take you out unexpectedly if you aren’t prepared for them. It can really leave you fighting to get back on your feet!

It seems like this woman definitely needed some help as she struggled to get herself and her dog out of the water. That’s not what this son-in-law did. Instead, he mistook the whole thing for a joke and gave her a good-hearted wave thinking that she was just playing around.
That’s a Bit Embarrassing
Snorkeling can be a lot of fun. After all, it gives you the chance to see a lot more than you would if you were to just go to the beach to tan.

Of course, you might not always like what you see when you take a dip below the waves. As a child, this person definitely wasn’t interested in what they saw as a “coral full of grossness” and couldn’t get out of the water fast enough. Unfortunately, it became a problem for two soon enough.
Bad Dates
A beach date really sounds like a magical time. After all, there’s a reason that we always think of a walk on the beach as a romantic trope so quintessential, it’s practically cliché.

Again, though, when you see it in the movies, they don’t deal with a lot of practicalities of the beach. You never see them drying off from getting out of the ocean only to scare their date off with a purple hue.
Keep Trying
At the beach, you tend to wear clothes that are a bit more revealing. After all, it’s a hot environment and you’re there to swim, so a lot of people prefer not to be bogged down with layers.

However, we can also safely say that the smaller the garment you wear, the harder it might be to keep it in place. Unlike a formal event, the ocean isn’t really the place for double-sided tape either. That’s a lesson Whitney here knows all too well.
Safe From Sun, Not Sand
If there’s one thing that you won’t want to forget before you spend a day at the beach, it’s sunscreen. As warm as the sun can be, it can also be dangerous without the right protection.

As any cautious new parents would, this couple wanted to make sure that their baby was well-protected from the sun. Yet, if you’ve ever been on the beach with damp skin, you know that it basically causes all the sand to stick to you.
Where Am I?
If you’ve never done it, working nights is exhausting. Plus, it can really drain your energy when you want to do something during the day like relax at the beach.

Really, it’s no surprise that this person dozed off! It probably wouldn’t have been a problem either if it hadn’t been for the fact that they were floating on a raft. Once you add in that factor, their awakening sounds particularly jarring.
Shades of Sunburn
Tanning isn’t always easy. A lot of people tan rather carefully to ensure they don’t end up with tan lines. Of course, there’s always the risk of getting burned too.

This person did their best to avoid tan lines but to no avail. The good news is that their legs were covered completely in the effects. The bad news is that it wasn’t even and instead of a tan, they ended up with a burn that only intensified the further down their legs they got.
Didn’t Even Make it to the Beach
Swimming at night can be a great way to enjoy the stars above and maybe even get a little private time on the beach. Of course, it’s also hard to see what else might be swimming with you at night.

Still, you might write off a nudge as an innocent fish or even a bit of seaweed sweeping past. It wasn’t until the next day that this group realized they probably shouldn’t have been out there the night before.
Survival Skills at Work
Let’s not let things get out of hand, though. Most of the time, when something brushes against you on the beach, it’s not a shark coming for you.

Sometimes, though, our minds can get ahead of us and we act on that surge of adrenaline before really processing what’s happening. In fight or flight mode, this person fled. Well, they definitely tried to flee before they ended up with a mouthful of sand.
A Bit Awkward
Going to the beach alone isn’t everyone’s thing. A lot of people turn to the beach when they want a fun outing with friends or family.

On the other hand, if you want to spend time with your family, it’s important to double-check who you’re lying down next to. Unless you have a really unique towel or umbrella, you might just end up in an embarrassing situation like this person did.
The Aftermath of a Day Out
The beach fails that you experience don’t always happen while you’re at the beach. Sometimes, it’s not until later that you realize you might have made a mistake.

Judging from this tweet, we’re going to guess that this person didn’t have anyone to help them put on sunscreen before they hit the beach either. Otherwise, they wouldn’t need aloe for a painful sunburn in places they can’t reach.
How Is This Helping?
Fear can do a lot of crazy things to your mind. In the heat of the moment, your reactions might not be quite as rational as if you were looking at the problem subjectively. Still, we’d have quite a few questions for our sister’s panic response if this was it.

Even if there was a snake in the water, how would drowning your sibling help either of you get away from it? Is the idea if you drown them, then they won’t have to deal with a snake bite? Seems a bit extreme.
Beach Romance
Earlier, we talked about how many movie scenes you might be able to recall off the top of your head with someone emerging from the waves all too glamorously.

Again, the actors in these scenes are carefully tailored to not have the things we usually have coming out of the water. For instance, disheveled hair, noticeably gasping for air — or, like this person, snot running down your face.
Watch for the Drop!
When you’re playing on the edge of the waves on the beach, you have to be mindful of the drop-off point where the ocean floor suddenly drops dramatically.

If you aren’t paying attention, one step too far could leave you swimming in place, feet unable to touch the ground. It’d be even scarier if you weren’t expecting it, so you didn’t take a breath before slipping under.
Make a Deal
There are some things that you hope you never have to do. It’s safe to say that this falls under that category.

Your pants falling down is embarrassing enough, much less your swim trunks getting taken out to sea. In the end, this guy had no choice but to bargain with the closest person nearby for something to cover himself with when he got out of the water.
What’s Going on Here?
When you head on vacation with your grandparents, you probably keep things a bit more tame than when you head out for a week with your friends.

Even if you try really hard to keep your trip PG, though, you can’t control what other people are doing. Given that they showed up mid-spring break festivities, we’re not too surprised that these grandparents had some follow-up questions about the scandalous scene in front of them.
I Need That Back
There are some feats that seagulls accomplish that almost seem like they’re trying to do as much damage as possible in the few moments they interact with you.

Stealing your food out of your hands should be enough right? It seems like this seagull wanted to add a little extra insult to injury by leaving this woman embarrassed as well as hungry. We’re not even sure how he accomplished this theft in one fell swoop!
Let Him Out!
There are some things that kids want to do to be like the adults. For instance, your little one might want to help put together or put away a beach setup.

This little guy just wanted to help but clearly, something went really wrong here. There’s something relatable about him just giving up and accepting his new position in the chair but we hope someone let him out!
Are They Getting Closer?
When you go to the beach, sometimes you have to fight the crowds to get the spot you want. It’s hard not to let out a frustrated sigh at the sight of a full beach.

Then again, the sight of a nearly deserted beach might make you breathe a sigh of relief. No screaming, yelling, or fighting for a space. However, that’s only relaxing until you get caught up in a triathlon running through the beach.
Catch of the Day
When you go to the beach, you can’t take all your stuff in the water with you, as it’ll get ruined. So, you might find a spot on the beach to claim.

You’ll want to find good hiding places, though. You have much more to worry about than human thieves — beware of our aggressive feathered friends. These seagulls look like they’re having the time of their life with their find.
What a Strange Dog
Meeting someone’s new pet can be really exciting. Who could say no to seeing and playing with a cute, little puppy?

That’s what these people were expecting when someone offered for them to see their pet. As it turned out, this was one of the weirdest-looking dogs that we’ve ever seen. We guess, at least, if they have a pet crab, it’s nice that they take him to the beach.
Summoning Them
At this point, we’re getting concerned that people aren’t learning the number one rule of the beach — please, please, please don’t try to take on the seagulls.

That’s a lesson that this OP’s brother learned the hard way but we’re sure he remembered it from there on out. We can imagine that the gulls did really descend with force when this person tried such an ill-fated experiment. We’re sure he didn’t have that food for long either.
Fashion Fails
We love our parents but sometimes, we might sit back and wonder what made them choose to wear what they’re wearing, especially if it’s a trend.

Socks at the beach already isn’t the most common choice. On top of that, this dad used to pair his tall, white socks with a pair of sandals. Still, this person can’t help but miss even the embarrassed feeling they used to get thanks to their dad.
Heading to the beach can be a fun and relaxing time. Today, we’re really putting emphasis on the word “can.” Too many times, it can seem that disaster is what the weather has in store for you at the beach. These people all shared some of the funniest and most unfortunate fails they’ve experienced at the beach.